Emily’s 5 Favorite Twitter Accounts
Scrolling down the list of 400 or so Twitter accounts that I follow, I made a list of my absolute favorites. I ended up with a “short” list of 36 absolute favorite accounts that I rely on every day to make me laugh, keep me up-to-date on current events and supply me with completely useless information.
While I use Twitter as an informative tool, I rely on it more for entertainment, so a majority of my favorite Twitter accounts spew 140-character messages than consistently make me chuckle. I also have a great adoration for brands that make their followers feel valued. Whether it’s through exclusive Twitter giveaways or simple re-tweets and replies, there’s a special place in my heart reserved for those tweeting brands.
So here it is, after arduous whittling, my “5 Favorite Twitter Accounts” (at the moment):
- Flamingo Hotel and Casino Las Vegas (@FlamingoVegas): My favorite hotel in my favorite city in the country! In addition to being a fantastic place to stay with great service, the Flamingo Hotel and Casino has a Twitter game that is on spot. It is an excellent customer service tool with behind-the-scenes people responding to followers, generally in less than 12 hours. I’ve tweeted at the Flamingo with topics ranging from pricing concerns to towel questions and pool excitement and have never failed to receive a fun, informative and timely response. Additionally, the Flamingo Hotel offers fun contests and special offers exclusively for Twitter and Facebook fans. With 20 percent reduced rates for Twitter followers, my only question is: Why wouldn’t you follow them?
- Charlie McDowell (@charliemcdowell): This single man living in L.A. has grown his Twitter army to over 70,000 followers with the simple line “Dear Girls Above Me.” The aspiring film writer and comedian uses his entire Twitter stream to write imaginary responses to conversations between two real life party girl roommates who are his very loud — and very oblivious — upstairs neighbors. Some recent tweets include: “Dear Girls Above Me, ‘I don’t get the point of Twitter. Does anyone really care what I have to say?’ Umm, I think I know a few people” and “Dear GAM, ‘Let’s just say she’s not the sharpest pool in the shed.’ To be fair you’re not exactly the sharpest wife in the drawer either.” This hilarious Twitter stream is following in the ranks of some other famous Tweeters to get the TV treatment: Ashton Kutcher is supposedly developing a show based on the timeline for CBS.
- Dr. Oz (@DrOz): An Oprah protégé, Dr. Mehmet Oz became well known appearing on the health segments of her show between 2004 and 2009. Once he earned his own Emmy award-winning show on NBC, Dr. Oz was pretty much a household name. However, being that The Dr. Oz show is a daytime show, and my DVR is already overflowing with TV that I need to catch up on, Twitter is the perfect outlet to receive his health- centered updates. He tweets special offers, quizzes and interesting articles about a number of different health topics ranging from diets and exercise tips to the latest in cancer research and news.
- Georgetown Cupcake (@GTownCupcake): As someone who was born, raised and currently residing in New York, I cannot reap the full benefits of this popular D.C.-based “cupcakery.” But I can follow them on Twitter! Georgetown Cupcake, which spawned its own TLC reality show, tweets cupcake recipes, fundraising events and mouth-watering photos of its award winning cupcakes. Each day the bakery uses Twitter to announce its daily, not-on-the-menu cupcake available for free to the first 100 customers (per location) who ask for the cupcake by name. The secret cupcakes, with names like “Chocolate Thin Mint Crunch” and “Chocolate Salted Caramel,” may just be enough for this New Yorker to pack up and head south.
- Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien): No matter the show or the network, Conan’s humor is, in my opinion, unparalleled by any other comedian on TV today. So it’s of no surprise at all that his tweets are hilarious. The TV host’s tweets are in no way promotional, a refreshing quality among celebrities on the social networking site. Conan simply uses Twitter as a platform for sending sarcastic, topical one- liners to his nearly 4 million followers.