Human Interaction and Personal Communication Cannot be Taken Over by Technology
I just watched the Did You Know 3.0 video on YouTube.
I’m not exactly sure if the intent was to scare or excite. But before we let the robots take over the world, we need to think about some very basic “human” essentials. Humans will always have a need to connect with other humans – to feel wanted and to build relationships with other like-minded individuals. The rapid adoption of social media technology is evidence that humans want (and need) to connect and share with others. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and all the other social platforms are just places where like-minded human beings can interact, share ideas, LOL, complain, learn new things, etc.
Sure, technology is changing and will continue to evolve exponentially, but technology is a tool and should be used to accomplish the same basic goals we have always had. As marketers, we shouldn’t get overwhelmed with the thought of how fast technology is changing. We should instead use technology to its full advantage – to connect with prospects and customers in whole new ways. Ways that will actually create more efficient and effective marketing.
Embrace the opportunity.