A few highlights from Caroline’s article:
1. “The social media movement is disruptive because it challenges traditional power structures – no one person gets credit; no one person has power. Executives who do not understand what social can do for their business only see that it forces them to give up control and power.” Z&C gives a company the control it needs over social media and harnesses the power of the channel.
2. “According to a mini poll conducted by IDC’s Software Business Solutions Group this past January, 51% of total respondents said employees at their company use social networking services for business. Two-thirds of those who are using social networking for business do so through self-directed, not corporate, initiative.” Employees are going to be out there using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Z&C lets a company capture that enthusiasm and stream it into an orchestrated effort that’s “on-brand”.
3. “Corporate culture has everything to do with adoption of social media… This culture is about control and creates a workplace of silos. This type of environment is not set up to be social and the silos are barriers to worker productivity.” Media Logic’s Z&C can change that. It encourages collaboration, openness and inspires new ideas.
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