9 Tips: How Financial Services Brands Can Reach Millennials

Baby Boomers are no longer the largest generation in American history. That title’s been taken over by Millennials. And titles aren’t the only thing Millennials are capturing: they have the attention of marketing departments in every industry. However, this segment – which represents 20% of the population and over $200 billion in annual buying power – is far from an easy sell.
To be effective, brands must not only find the right messaging, but also choose the most effective channels. Understanding the channels – and how Millennials use each one – can help brands turn the challenge of targeting this segment into an opportunity. And so we’ve developed a tip sheet specifically for financial services that addresses how to reach Millennials across a number of marketing channels.
You may find some surprises in it. For example, as savvy as Millennials are with technology (they are 2.5 times more likely to be early adopters of new digital platforms), a huge percentage – 92%! – are influenced by direct mail.
Want to know more? Here’s the tip sheet: “9 Tips for Reaching Millennials.”