Media Logic Hosts Medicare Summit to Get Ready for 2020 AEP
The Medicare marketing landscape is ever-changing, and with the 2019 Medicare Annual Election Period (AEP) in the rear view, it’s time to ignite the conversation on AEP marketing for 2020. Media Logic is hosting our 4th Annual Medicare Summit – an internal forum for discussion and building knowledge about the Medicare marketing landscape. This year’s summit will be held on Tuesday, April 30th. The summit brings together creative, media, design, content and client services teams for all of our healthcare clients.
“Our goal each AEP is to help our clients break through the AEP noise with innovative and strategic integrated marketing approaches. The summit is a great opportunity to share knowledge and get the team thinking blue sky ideas.”
We plan to review and discuss the implications of industry insights from our partners at Carrot Health, Deft Research and Mintel. Our team will also present and look at top-level trends and findings from our own AEP campaigns. And of course, we will look ahead to 2020 AEP.
After years of minimal disruption, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) loosened the limitations around product design. Next year, it is likely that even more plans will be adding supplemental benefits, and CMS has also announced that health plans would be able to tailor benefit packages to patients with specific chronic conditions. All of these factors (and any other updates, yet to be announced) could lead to more shopping and switching behavior during 2020 AEP.