A New-to-Medicare Marketing Tip Sheet to Modernize and Improve Your Recruitment Efforts (2023 Update)

We know that only a small fraction of Medicare Advantage (MA) consumers is switching during the Annual Election Period (AEP) each year. This makes the New-to-Medicare (NTM) market more important than ever. But the NTM demographic is quickly changing, requiring new strategies to capture this important Medicare audience.
Those turning 65 in 2023 are some of the first of the “Trailing Boomers” to become Medicare eligible, and they are different from their predecessors, known as “Leading Boomers.” Many are still finishing up their careers, putting kids through college and starting to think about when and where they’ll retire. According to our partners at Deft Research and Unite Us, 50% of consumers who turn 65 each year plan to keep working and enroll in Medicare after their initial Medicare enrollment period.
This means that a modern NTM program needs to address both the Turning-65 (T65) and Working-Past-65 (WP65) audiences. Media Logic has developed a proven set of year-round strategies and tactics for attracting New-to-Medicare leads – and can customize our approach around your market, your opportunities and your brand. We put together some key insights that will help you modernize and improve your NTM recruitment efforts.
Marketing Strategies to Increase Your New-to-Medicare Share
Here are some of the marketing strategies we discuss on our tip sheet to increase your NTM share.
- Expand your view of the sales cycle.
- Think differently about your NTM marketing strategy.
- Use brokers and other influencers to your advantage.
- Consider other marketing channels to help build awareness and engagement with prospects.
For more details on each the NTM demographic and each of these marketing strategies, view our New-to-Medicare Marketing tip sheet below or download a printable, 2-page PDF here.

Want to learn more? Read our full Senior Media Habits report. Check out some of our successful NTM campaigns here.
When it comes to NTM marketing, we can customize our approach around your market, your opportunities, and brand. If you are looking for ways to optimize your strategy, contact Jim McDonald, head of strategic growth, at 518-940-4882.