Media Logic Retail Marketing Report May 2011 Update: Kirkland’s buys Likers; finds they come cheap!
Kirkland’s adds 200,000 Likers at 12.5¢ per. Build-a-Bear Workshop and Pottery Barn Kids draw big fan participation. Office Max works the co-op. And Walmart adds 1.6mm, while six other retailers grow on Facebook at a 40 percent or better clip since March. Facebook has been the story of the Media Logic Retail Marketing Report since […]
Infusing the Dreamscape
I turn to Dwell for inspiration, for new ideas to populate my dreamscape. So maybe the context made me more “prepared” to see deeply into this recent article in the magazine. On one level, it is a pretty prosaic story about the gadgets and software that connect the online and real world. But somehow, the idea that architecture and portable communication technologies are allowing us to interact with space and with each other in new ways struck me as profound.
Black Friday Promotions Drive Big Facebook Numbers for Aggressive Retailers
In the 10 days leading up to Black Friday, the biggest retailers on Facebook - those with the most Likers - grew their fan bases by an average of 10%. Respectable.
But more aggressive retailers on Facebook grew their fan bases at twice that rate!
Through a combination of Black Friday and other seasonal offers, discounts, contests, games and simple “Like us” pleas, the top 10 fastest growing retailers on Media Logic's survey list saw their Liker bases soar by an average of 20% between 11/16 and 11/26/2010.
Full article and supporting data.