Tag: brands

What Does the New Facebook Timeline Mean for Your Brand?

Facebook made a big announcement yesterday. Brands can effectively turn off the familiar wall and switch to Timeline. (Don’t know what Timeline is, here’s a good overview from Mashable). Many major brands have already made the move, including Macy’s, Walmart, Sears, Puma, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co. and American Express. Should you?

Even When People are to Blame, the Brand is Responsible

Preventing mistakes like the infamous Chrysler F-bomb

When an individual representing Chrysler tweeted a derogatory remark about Detroit, a city Chrysler is invested in promoting, there was someone to fire, and there was an agency to let go. Still, at the end of the day, the public holds the brand itself responsible for its social media streams. Chrysler will take the brunt of the impact. As a result of the controversy, social media marketing takes a bit of a beating, as well.

Empowered Consumers Push Brands to Cut Loose

If there is one truth in our new conversation-marketing world, it is that brands need to be fearless and try new things. Three big campaigns in the pipeline right now – from Pepsi, Domino's and Taco Bell – are testing the new rules of marketing in a conversation-centric world. Will these campaigns succeed? Fail? From a branding perspective, does it matter?