Emily’s 5 Favorite Twitter Accounts
Scrolling down the list of 400 or so Twitter accounts that I follow, I made a list of my absolute favorites. I ended up with a "short" list of 36 absolute favorite accounts that I rely on every day to make me laugh, keep me up-to-date on current events and supply me with completely useless information. While I use Twitter as an informative tool, I rely on it more for entertainment, so a majority of my favorite Twitter accounts spew 140-character messages than consistently make me chuckle. I also have a great adoration for brands that make their followers feel valued. Whether it’s through exclusive Twitter giveaways or simple re-tweets and replies, there’s a special place in my heart reserved for those tweeting brands. So here it is, after arduous whittling, my "5 Favorite Twitter Accounts" (at the moment):