Tag: Five Below

RSJI Insights: Tips for Implementing Successful Social Strategies

Each week we highlight the biggest jumps of Media Logic's Retail Social Juice Index (RSJI) and review the social tactics top-performing brands have utilized to earn positive engagement spikes... or sometimes, the campaigns that backfired. Winning strategies are often successfully replicated by a number of brands over a wide range of industries. Our analysis of this week's top-moving brands reveals four tips to consider for your brand's social marketing strategy. Tip #1: Capitalize on Seasonal Opportunities. Make Them Relevant to your Brand DSW snagged the RSJI's top spot with a flash promotion in honor of Mother's Day. With this "Shoe Frenzy," which offered a special surprise to every liker who gave mom a shout-out on the DSW Facebook page, the brand earned a 411-point spike!