Tag: Fortitech

Client’s Global Growth Attests to Strong International Brand Presence

Not every marketing agency has the opportunity to be part of team that builds a global brand, and what's exciting to us is that awareness of the Fortitech name in localized regions around the world now often precedes a formal introduction to a Fortitech representative -- which makes that first meeting a lot warmer and often more productive toward sales.

Standing (and Singing) Out in a Crowd

Standing (and Singing) Out in a CrowdIt’s a massive understatement to say that marketing at trade shows is a constant battle for attention. Simply being heard over the din of the crowd is challenge enough. Harder still is getting a clear, effective message to cut through the clutter. So, in an enormous convention hall packed with the world’s largest manufacturers of foods and beverages, how did Fortitech command an audience? With a little bit of child’s play.