Demographics Schmemographics: Who You Callin’ a Mother?
By definition I am a mommy blogger, but don’t you dare call me one. The category irks me. Or maybe the stereotype irks me. Most mommy bloggers I know don’t blog “just” about being mommies, and they certainly don’t blog about coupons or cleaning products. They blog about things like relationships, half-marathons and poetry, like I do (though I sometimes take weeks off between posts despite knowing better through my day job).
Do not refer to me as “soccer mom” or “hockey mom,” either, though my sons play both sports. You should also avoid “SAHM” (though I was one for a while) and “working mom” (duh, isn’t every mother? The President says so, anyway). Yes, what they say about people who assume is true, and mom stereotypes are old-school. I don’t drive a minivan or a humungous SUV. I don’t buy diapers, lunchmeat or fruit roll-ups. I don’t organize bake sales (who would dare to these days?) or hide in the bathroom for alone-time.