Not Dead Yet? The Fate of Regional Newspapers
On March 25, 2010, I delivered what I thought was a reasonably sensitive presentation on the current state and possible future of the regional newspaper, and the current utility of newspaper advertising, to the New York Capital Region Chapter of the American Marketing Association (NYCRAMA). The audience – which I found upon my arrival included 20 or so employees of the Albany Times Union, a Hearst product and our region’s regional newspaper – did not entirely enjoy my brusque prognosis, delivered (at least to their ears) with all the charm of Dr. House.
Many challenged my assumptions and my data. Several approached me afterwards to suggest I didn’t know what was going on, or of all the efforts underway within the paper – blogging, youth outreach, new community focus, alternate revenue ideas (like charging for the weekly TV listing), online advertising efforts, etc. – that were working to slow the revenue slide and allow the “paper” to transition to a new era.