Facebook Engagement: Politics, Promotions and Pictures, please!

The social media firestorm ignited by the decision by more than 100 sponsors to pull their ads for Rush Limbaugh’s radio talk show has finally begun to burn out. After an action-packed few weeks that brands like the usually-quiet ProFlowers and Sleep Number Beds shot to the top of Media Logic’s Retail Social Juice Index, scores have started to normalize.

Media Logic Launches Its Retail Social Juice Index (and I Find an Addictive New Distraction at Work)

It’s that time of year again … Media Logic's Retail Social Juice IndexWhen the living room becomes the war room, cluttered with the torn-through flyers of retailers hoping to entice you with Black Friday offerings. Laptop screens flicker, displaying new, NEVER-THIS-LOW deals for Cyber Monday’s upcoming online rush. There’s no denying the importance the fourth quarter to retailers – the “final push” to a profitable fiscal year. Just in time for this kickoff to the holiday shopping season, Media Logic introduces the Retail Social Juice Index (RSJI) — a revolutionary new tool optimized for retailers seeking a simple metric of the level of social engagement between themselves and their customers.