How to Choose More Effective Photos for Your Medicare Marketing

It may surprise you which images resonate with seniors in Medicare marketing. For example, did you know that some seniors react negatively to images of older adults waterskiing or walking dogs? According to our nationwide consumer survey, seniors feel that these images evoke feelings of inauthenticity and loneliness. They say images of more relaxing activities have greater appeal.
We surveyed over 400 adults aged 64 and older about their reactions and preferences when it comes to photography and Medicare marketing. We showed them a series of 16 photos depicting Medicare-aged consumers engaged in a variety of activities. See what we learned in the SlideShare above.
Photography for Medicare marketing is a large investment – make sure you’re using the right images to connect with older adults. Need additional insight as you plan for fall enrollment? Consult the Medicare marketing experts at Media Logic.
Updated 03/22/2017. Originally published 03/11/2016.