Media Logic Shares Results of 2020 Senior Media Preferences Survey
For the third year in a row, Media Logic conducted our Senior Media Habits Survey to give insight on how seniors use and consume media in their daily lives. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the world looks different this year. COVID-19 and social distancing protocols have changed the way people live — particularly seniors — and our survey reflected that. Our questions were tailored to capture what those changes were to help health insurers when planning sales outreach for the upcoming 2021 Medicare AEP.
Our survey included over 450 participants aged 63 and older. We asked general questions about media habits —types of media seniors prefer, devices they use to view media and platforms they use most. You’ll see that we added questions that are pertinent to the moment we’re in — the usage of videoconferencing, telemedicine and receptivity toward virtual meetings. Take a look at the results and see how they compare to years past.